Michelle Amick Prikhodko
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My practice of law is primarily in the areas of disability benefits and includes Federal
Disability Retirement benefits, Long/Short Term Disability benefits, State Retirement
Disability benefits and Social Security Disability benefits. I litigate at all levels, including initial
applications, administrative appeals, administrative law judge hearings, and court reviews. I also
represent federal workers in related employment matters, including leave disputes, requests for
accommodations and removal actions. I also represent claimants in life insurance and medical
insurance disputes.
Originally from Rochester, New York, I attended the Catholic University of America
in Washington, D.C., where I was a member of the Academic Honors Program. I received my
Bachelor of Arts in Politics, magna cum laude, and am a current member of Phi Beta Kappa. I
received my J.D., cum laude, from the University Of Baltimore School Of Law, in Baltimore
Maryland. While at the University of Baltimore School of Law I was the recipient of the
University Of Baltimore School Of Law Scholarship.
I joined Andalman and Flynn in 2008 as a law clerk, and later became an associate
in 2011. I was a speaker on the Federal Disability Retirement program at the Spring 2011
National Conference of the National Organization of Social Security Claimant Representatives
(NOSSCR), and moderated at their May 2013 conference. I was recently named one of the Daily Record’s “20 in their Twenties” award recipients, as a result of professional and civic achievement. I am a co-author of several articles on disability benefits which have been published in state and national publications, including the Maryland Association for Justice Trial Reporter.