By: Amanda Vann, Esq. One of the most challenging things in a debt collection case is finding the debtor. Knowing where the debtor lives, their phone number, email, and assets is beneficial in allowing you to collect. Having very little information about a... Continue Reading.
By: Amanda Vann, Esq. You may assume that once a debtor files for bankruptcy, you are out of luck collecting money, but that is a big misconception. If a debtor files for bankruptcy, there are some things you need to do to protect your rights as a creditor. 1.... Continue Reading.
By: Amanda Vann, Esq. As a debt collection attorney, I can assist you with recovering your debts by taking the necessary legal action to obtain and enforce a judgment. But you may be wondering if you need a debt collection attorney. Here are some telltale signs that... Continue Reading.
By: Mary Ellen Flynn, Esq. As an attorney who helps business-clients collect their accounts receivable, I often see businesses with serious cash flow issues. As I advise my clients, it’s important to remember that you must be on top of your accounts... Continue Reading.
By: Amanda Vann, Esq. Running a small business is time-consuming, and the work never ends. But work smarter, not harder, when collecting on your accounts by following these strategies. 1. Don’t waste precious time trying to do it all; hire help when collecting... Continue Reading.
By: Amanda Vann, Esq. 6 Tips to Write Your Promissory Note When crafting a promissory note, there are several things you need to address to protect yourself and secure repayment. #1. Provide for the possibility of future attorney fees. In the event of a default, you... Continue Reading.
By: Amanda Vann, Esq. It’s no secret that collecting upon a judgment can be challenging, but like many other industries, the collections industry has also benefitted from technological advancements. The collections department at Andalman and Flynn... Continue Reading.
Not all collection agencies are created equally when collecting your debts. Undoubtedly, you have worked hard to build your brand and services, and maintaining the image you created should be extremely important. With the ease of social media available to the masses... Continue Reading.
So you have a judgment against a debtor, but now how do you collect? One of the most common collection methods is to get a wage garnishment against the debtor. Here are 5 essential facts about wage garnishment that you must know. You must file the proper documents... Continue Reading.
By: Mary Ellen Flynn, Esquire As a business owner, there is a strong probability that you will face a client who cannot pay. In these situations, most businesses attempt to work with their clients and obtain payment. Companies’ standard practices are to... Continue Reading.