By:  Mary Ellen Flynn, Esq.

As an attorney who helps business-clients collect their accounts receivable, I often see businesses with serious cash flow issues. As I advise my clients, it’s important to remember that you must be on top of your accounts payables while you’re trying to increase cash flow by collecting your accounts receivables. 

As is true in most states, Maryland does not offer the same protections to commercial debtors as it does for consumer debtors. Also, the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA), a Federal Law, governs debt collection standards for consumers, not businesses.

To avoid debt collection issues for your business, follow these three strategies to be proactive before those issues worsen. 

1. If your business is having financial difficulties, take action and seek help immediately.

Get commercial debt counseling, focus on debt consolidation options with your bank, and talk with your business advisors to make a plan to get back on track. Only some businesses flourish all year round, and when there are challenging times, you may have to consider using your line of credit, layoffs, cutting back on expenses, and a re-organization to find the extra funds needed to stay afloat.

2. If you cannot pay expenses, don’t wait to address the problem with the creditor.

Picking up the phone, explaining the situation, and discussing alternative options may keep the account from going to collections. Discuss payment options that ensure you don’t default. There are many other options, but not doing anything and ignoring it will only create debt collection issues for you. 

3. If you are already in default, negotiate repayment instead of ignoring it.

Most creditors are willing to work with you; they prefer to get paid something rather than nothing. If you’re having severe financial issues, negotiate a graduated payment plan to address the debt by starting with smaller payments which will help you get back on your feet and allow you to make larger payments later.  

Proactive and strategic planning will generate plausible options to keep your business going during challenging times.  

For advice and representation on collections issues, whether your own collections issue or for assistance in collecting your accounts receivables, you can contact me at 301-563-6685 or

About Andalman & Flynn Collections: For decades, businesses and professionals have been turning to the experienced collections attorneys at Andalman & Flynn for their debt recovery needs. A licensed collections agency, their experienced team successfully navigates the complex laws surrounding debt collection practices. The firm combines cutting-edge technology with savvy, effective debt resolution methods that result in high success rates and fast recovery times. For more information, please visit