By: Mary Ellen Flynn, Esquire

As a business owner, there is a strong probability that you will face a client who cannot pay. In these situations, most businesses attempt to work with their clients and obtain payment. Companies’ standard practices are to discuss what is causing the delay in payment and make payment restructuring to allow the client to submit payment. Often, adding additional time to make a payment or offering reduced payments made more sporadically can work. 

But if you still cannot get your client to pay, it may be time to move on to more formal methods and hire a collections attorney.

A collections attorney will begin by sending a formal demand letter to establish and initiate the legal process. Demand letters add another layer of formality that frequently will get a debtor’s attention and cause them to make arrangements to repay the debt. 

Because a demand letter is a formal payment request, there are rules and regulations of what must be in a demand letter for consumer debt. A collections attorney can ensure your demand letter is complaint with the applicable laws and regulations. Additionally, a reputable collections attorney will do a collections assessment to provide you with the knowledge to decide how best to proceed. This is an essential step in the process because there is no point in pursuing a debtor to obtain a judgment if you cannot collect upon it. Developing and executing a plan to collect is an essential service a reputable collections attorney will provide. 

A collections attorney will handle collections cases where the amount owed is high dollar or there are many debtors.

Often collections attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. Therefore, having them take the case from the beginning can free your staff from following through with phone calls and communications.

A collections attorney will also be able to file suit and represent you in trial and through the process to obtain a judgment.

Even if seeking court intervention is not your intent, a reputable collections attorney will have a collections department that can pursue the debt. The attorneys and collections department at Andalman and Flynn can provide you with the skills and services you need to collect your debt. Contact us today. 

About Andalman & Flynn Collections: For decades, businesses and professionals have been turning to the experienced collections attorneys at Andalman & Flynn for their debt recovery needs. A licensed collections agency, their experienced team successfully navigates the complex laws surrounding debt collection practices. The firm combines cutting-edge technology with savvy, effective debt resolution methods that result in high success rates and fast recovery times. For more information, please visit