By: Amanda Vann, Esq. It’s no secret that collecting upon a judgment can be challenging, but like many other industries, the collections industry has also benefitted from technological advancements. The collections department at Andalman and Flynn... Continue Reading.
Not all collection agencies are created equally when collecting your debts. Undoubtedly, you have worked hard to build your brand and services, and maintaining the image you created should be extremely important. With the ease of social media available to the masses... Continue Reading.
So you have a judgment against a debtor, but now how do you collect? One of the most common collection methods is to get a wage garnishment against the debtor. Here are 5 essential facts about wage garnishment that you must know. You must file the proper documents... Continue Reading.
By: Mary Ellen Flynn, Esquire As a business owner, there is a strong probability that you will face a client who cannot pay. In these situations, most businesses attempt to work with their clients and obtain payment. Companies’ standard practices are to... Continue Reading.
By: Mary Ellen Flynn, Esquire According to a Forbes article published on October 13, 2021, more than 50% of Americans owe some form of medical debt. With so many people to pursue, here are three ways we can assist your practice with medical debt collection.... Continue Reading.
By: Amanda Vann, Esq. The main difference between a secured debt versus an unsecured debt is whether or not the debt is “guaranteed” (secured) by collateral. For example, car loans are secured by the car that was purchased with the loan proceeds and mortgages... Continue Reading.